Mr. Magoo
My husband and I decided to take an Art course at the community college near us. I had only been driving (and married) for 4 months. He called and said he was working late and could I meet him at the college. Sheer panic does not describe it! He assured me that I would do fine and gave me very specific directions. Did I mention I had never driven in the dark? After turning into an elementary school and a high school I finally found the college campus. I was so proud of myself. I started looking for the particular building and I'm riding around and riding around but I couldn't quite figure out which one I was supposed to go to. Luckily, I stumbled along a road that took me right next to the buildings, so I could easlily read the names. The first thing I noticed was how rude the college kids were, they were walking right in the middle of the road! I would give them a friendly "toot toot" of my horn and they would give me a strange look and slowly get out of my way. As I rode around I started to notice people looking out the windows and pointing at something. I'm always up for some excitement so I start looking around as I continue on the "road". Still having to gently move the students out of my way. I'm not sure when it finally dawned on me, perhaps it was the entire college coming to a standstill that told me I was on the sidewalk! Yea, not my finest moment. I ended up turning off onto a really steep grassy hill which I slid down. I jumped a curb and parked it where it landed. I walked to the class, and told my husband I was never driving again. That was 16 years ago and he has called me "Mr. Magoo" ever since. I have lived up to that nickname. My kids fondly say "tell us about the time you drove on the sidewalk, tell us about the time you drove 283 mile to get to a destination 10 miles away (in my defense, it was raining that day), tell us about the time you were going to Blackrock and you went to Philadelphia (for those unfamilar, it was just wrong, I'll leave it at that). Yes, precious family storytimes.