Saturday, October 07, 2006

I Got Tagged!!!

I have never been tagged, it's a little exciting I'm embarrassed to admit. So here we go.

First name: Karen.

Were you named after anyone? No but I was Stacey for a couple of months. My mother changed it because the only Stacey she ever knew was a drunk old man. Nothing ruins looking at a new born baby like picturing a drunk old man every time. Thanks mom....I think...

Favorite lunchmeat? This is gross but I really like the artificially pressed and rounded Oscar Meyer bologna. Extra snouts and tails..please!

Do I have a Journel? No. I've left my children with enough to deal with in their adulthood, should I really leave a hard copy..I don't think so.

Favorite Cereal? Honey Nut Cheerios..not in the morning, after dinner, or for dinner, even better.

Favorite Icecream Flavor? Vanilla. With milk on top. When I was pregnant it was butter pecan with bar-b-que fritos dipped in it. Not that you asked but the vanilla sounded so boring.

Shoe Size? 8-81/2. Same size since 7th grade (that's about the only thing that stayed the same size)

Red or Pink? Red.

Least Favorite Thing about Yourself? Speaking before I think. But Libby, backfat is definitely second, and I better never catch you looking at mine...I mean it.

What color pants and shoes are you wearing? Regular old blue jeans and tan canvas tennis shoes.

What color crayon would I be? Purple. The dog threw up a unscathed purple crayon the other day, we cheered for the crayon. He had been in the belly of a very slobbery lab and had prevailed. Admireable. We named him Jonah.

Favorite Smell? Suntan lotion on my kids, and Jim's after shower splash.

Favorite Drink? Iced Tea with lots of artificial sugar sweetener.

Hat Size? Uh, no idea, never wear a hat. Ever. Seriously. No. But thank you anyway.

Favorite Food? Toss up. Pizza and McDonald's cheeseburgers. Not together, I'm a purist, and apparently a health food nut!

Summer or Winter? Both. I love rain and there's nothing like a good thunderstorm or snowstorm. Love the snuggly-ness of both.

Favorite Sound? I like when I'm waiting for Jim to come home and I hear his keys opening the door.

Furthest you've been from home? Florida.

Special talents? I was stumped so I asked Alex and he said, my home- baked chocolate chip cookies and my ability to....burp.... on demand. Can you see why I don't have a journel? Love that kid!

Where and when was I born? August 26th 196...something. Born and raised in Baltimore City, Maryland..and proud of it! The Catholic school years were a little scary but the rest was pretty cool.